
Archive for August, 2010

Cyber Warfare Training Programs

August 18, 2010 Leave a comment

The age of digital conflict is upon us.  For that and other reasons the intelligence community, security professionals, military, law enforcement, government officials and even businesses  leaders are seeking education in the science and art of digital conflict.  Some call our training a “cyber boot camp”  while others call it a survival guide for digital conflict.

We call it a necessity!

Our programs are specifically designed to introduce participants to the theories, components and practicalities that comprise the cyber threat environment and their relationship to the principles of cyber warfare.  It is important to note that this program is heavily weighted with current real-world cyber events and threat analysis. Through programs like this, Technolytics delivers a all-inclusive global cyber security and cyber intelligence review, encompassing risks and threats to your organization’s information assets.

Program Syllabus

1. Introduction and Overview
– Research Report Assignment

2. Setting the Cyber Security Stage
– Cyber Threat Outlook

3. Cyber Hacktivism
– Google / Baidu Incident

4. Cyber Espionage
– Espionage by PowerPoint

5. Cyber Terrorism
– al-Qaeda’s Case Study

6. Cyber Intelligence
– Cyber Intelligence Sourcing

7. Cyber Weapons
– Cellular Spying

8. eBombs, TEDs and Pulse Devices
– EMP Threat Analysis

9. Cyber Attack Process
–  Bogus Computer Shipments

10. Cyber Warfare Doctrine & Strategy
– National Cyber Security Initiatives

11. International Issues (Investigations)
– UN Cyber Cooperation Proposal

12. Recent Incident
– Case Study and Analysis

13. The Problems of the Near Future
– Technology Scan Analysis

14. Assignment Submission

15. Summary & Review

16. Examination