
Archive for December, 2010

Cyber Attack Lead Investigator Killed

December 8, 2010 Leave a comment

Information has leaked out that Professor Majid Shahriari, Iran’s foremost authority on Stuxnet and the leader of Iran’s Stuxnet investigation and defense team was killed when his car was physically attacked by men on motorcycles. There are reports that said an explosive (sticky bomb) was attached to his vehicle by the same men on motorcycles that shot up the vehicle. Separate intelligence suggests there were two motorcycle teams of two riders each that shadowed the scientists’ vehicles on their way to their laboratories and offices at Beheshti University in North Teheran. His second-in-command has also been attacked in a separate incident, but survived. After examination of incident photos of his vehicle we found no evidence of an explosion, but multiple bullet holes were clearly visible. Most noted were a few (2 or 3) bullet holes head high in the windshield and 2 more holes lower in the chest region.

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