
Archive for July, 2011

Cyber Arms Race Article

NATO Hacked

NATO is looking into claims that hacking group Anonymous has breached its security and accessed volumes of material so confidential the hacker group itself deemed it “irresponsible” to publish them all.

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Cyber Warfare Training

There have been multiple reports about the substantial shortage of professionals to fill positions in cyber warfare and security. Individuals looking to distinguish themselves in this field should consider completing our Cyber Warfare Distance Learning program.

This program has been program up to the 3 Star General level. Add to that distinguishing detail the fact that this program has been delivered in multiple NATO countries as well.

For more information, please check out the following link.

Hacker Call A SWAT TEAM

A Canadian hacker reportedly hacked a Florida kid’s Xbox 360, then made a prank 911 call, which resulted in a SWAT team raid on the boy’s family home.

A Florida family got a jarring surprise this week after a hacker hijacked their Xbox 360, and placed a prank 911 call saying that someone had broken into their home, stabbed someone and was holding the rest of the family hostage.

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