
Archive for January, 2013

Operations Red October

January 14, 2013 Leave a comment

Research indicated Operation Red October cyber attackers were very discriminating and selective when they chose their targets. These targets were selected for the attack that dates back at least to 2007. Not only were that attackers highly selective about whom

A Cyber Attack that Dates Back to 2007

A Cyber Attack that Dates Back to 2007

they targeted, but they went after high value file formats. Particularly troubling was the fact that they exfiltrated encrypted files which would lead one to believe they had a way to crack the encryption and get access to the sensitive contents. That is very troubling!

This is just the latest discovery and yet another justification for the Cyber Diplomat training program available on Amazon at

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Cyber Warfare eHandbook version 4 released

January 8, 2013 Leave a comment

Technolytics announces the 2013 release of the Cyber Warfare: The Cyber Commander’s eHandbook version 4. Available on Amazon.

LINK Cover

Categories: Uncategorized