
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Another Huge Cyber Security Issue

March 14, 2013 Leave a comment

Researcher cracks TLS and SSL when they’re combined with another encryption scheme known as RC4


Categories: Uncategorized

Operations Red October

January 14, 2013 Leave a comment

Research indicated Operation Red October cyber attackers were very discriminating and selective when they chose their targets. These targets were selected for the attack that dates back at least to 2007. Not only were that attackers highly selective about whom

A Cyber Attack that Dates Back to 2007

A Cyber Attack that Dates Back to 2007

they targeted, but they went after high value file formats. Particularly troubling was the fact that they exfiltrated encrypted files which would lead one to believe they had a way to crack the encryption and get access to the sensitive contents. That is very troubling!

This is just the latest discovery and yet another justification for the Cyber Diplomat training program available on Amazon at

Categories: Uncategorized

Cyber Warfare eHandbook version 4 released

January 8, 2013 Leave a comment

Technolytics announces the 2013 release of the Cyber Warfare: The Cyber Commander’s eHandbook version 4. Available on Amazon.

LINK Cover

Categories: Uncategorized

A New Cyber Attack Vector

December 17, 2012 Leave a comment

Big FlamesAn interesting article that has received a fair amount of attention about a new way to use cyber attacks as a weapon.


December 11, 2012 Leave a comment

The National Institute of Standards and Technology recently projected that by 2015, the United States will need 700,000 new cyber security professionals.  This course will help you prepare for an exciting career in this growing field.  Our program has been delivered to those on the front-line of cyber defense up to and including the 3-Star General level.  This 2013 self-study program will allow individuals to pursue up-to-date education in this high demand profession from the comfort of your own office or home. Designed to meet the knowledge requirements that are needed to address the growing number of threats posed by cyber attackers, this course leverages recent incidents of cyber attack, cyber espionage, and the use of advanced cyber attack techniques.  Our use of asynchronous technologies, like email and online forums,  allow course participants in this self-paced distance education program to participate with other professionals in the field.

Cyber Warfare Training ProgramAs part of this 2013 training program participants will receive the latest version of the Cyber Commander’s eHandbook.  Our electronic textbook is highly regarded and used in multiple training programs.  An accompanying workbook provides support and step by step directions to assist in the successful completion of this training.  This program is unlike any other available today.

This program has been taken by government officials, corporate technology executives, scholars and subject matter experts as well as consultants and advisers.

Enhance your career!             $299.00 USD            Order Today


CONTACT for order information

Intelligence in the 5th Domain

December 7, 2012 Leave a comment

DC JPGToday, Cyber Intelligence is getting so much more attention that it did just six short months ago and for good reason. A number of U.S. Government leaders have warned about the likelihood and potential impact of a successful cyber attack on the nation’s critical infrastructure. Cyber intelligence is the best defense against such an attack. This is a relatively new area for intelligence collection that will mature over time. We are even seeing job postings for these skilled workers. The biggest issue is there are few course (other than the ones by Technolytics) that prepare individuals for this evolving position.

Categories: Uncategorized

Presidential Policy Directive on Cyber Warfare Rules of Engagement

November 21, 2012 Leave a comment

A classified Presidential Policy Directive (PPD-20) was signed by President Obama to defend the nation against the rapidly growing threat posed by cyber attacks on our critical infrastructure. Details are sketchy but sources say this is what the NSA, DoD and DHS has needed for some time!

Categories: Uncategorized

U.S. to go on cyber offensive?

October 3, 2012 Leave a comment

Stewart Baker, who was the assistant secretary for policy at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the George W. Bush administration, recently stated that “To prevail in the cyber security war, defense is not enough.” The only conclusion that you can draw from this statement is to go on the cyber offensive!

Massive Case of Cyber Espionage

Get the information you need.

In mid-July 2012 a massive case of cyber espionage was disclosed by an inside source at the Pentagon.  Michael Maloof, a former senior security policy analyst within OSD disclosed a massive industrial cyber espionage operation that was attributed to China.  The analyst disclosed that telecommunications equipment made by Huawei and ZTE Corporation had backdoors installed at the order of the Chinese government.  These two companies are estimated at servicing 45 of the world’s 50 largest telecommunication operators.

Given those figures, it has been estimated that China would have access to approximately 80% of global communication traffic.

Categories: Uncategorized

Cyber Warfare Training

March 12, 2012 Leave a comment

Technolytics’ suite of cyber warfare training is now available in all NATO countries.